So you have just logged in and noticed, Your bored?
We all do that a lot these days so I am writing this article on ideas to replace boredom with fun.
There are a lot of Minigames these days, with Jagex releasing a new one almost every chance they get, noticeably not all of these Minigames are fun, it’s just a way for Jagex to make it look like their doing good updates, But back to the point, there is the Games room in Burthorpe and admittedly Runelink is a fun game to play, but does get boring after a bit, so you could go from there to risking your items and showing off your skill at Player Killing in the Bounty Hunter Minigame.
But they might not be for you, so you could go earn some easy xp points at the Tears of Guthix Minigame, Although there is a catch to this Minigame, ‘Oh’ I hear you say, well it’s actually a good thing, it’s a quest to allow you to play the Minigame, Within this you may realize your inner quester and set out for the legendary Quest cape or just for a great adventure and hard task, amidst this as well almost all the quest’s are Challenging, Hard and Adventurous, Or you could go for some good fun with friends and go to Pest Control and help your team Defend the Void Knight and destroy the portals to win the match, which also gives some hefty experience gains or you could go for the full Void outfit, which gives a really high range bonus.
But you may be thinking, “I don’t minigames” well then you could give Questing a shot, Unlock new skills such as lunar or ancient magik’s and while doing so learn the history of runescape and its monsters it holds within, but you may be sitting there going “Yawn” possibly Quest’s and Minigames alike are not for you? Easy Solved.
Try Clue hunting requires a good sense of adventure and can be very rewarding to those willing to give it a shot, There are 3 types of clue scroll’s Level 1 clue scroll, Level 2 clue scroll and Level 3 clue scroll, Level 2 and 3 Both require that you do Observatory quest first, to do the clue’s Co-ordinates but the rewards after would could be well worth the 5 minutes of questing , although not every monster drops a clue scroll the ones that do can take a while to get one, the higher level of the clue scroll the better reward you may get, but then you might not be a real hefty warrior and only after a level 1 clue scroll which are dropped from such monsters as goblin’s, hobgoblin’s, rock crab’s and many more, Or maybe you want a level 2? Which can be dropped from creatures such as guard’s, jogre’s, ice warrior’s and plenty more, But you may be a Mighty warrior and don’t want to hold back on what u can slaughter for a level 3 clue scroll so alas you could take on a few hard foes to achieve this such as green dragon’s, Greater demon’s or Even go all out and Solo General Graardor and hope for a hefty drop or then kill his minions, all 4 of them have a drop chance of a level 3 clue scroll, So you may be sitting there thinking now yes I’m going to do some clues then here is a link for them with a list of monsters that drop them and here is the rewards link alas I would not expect to get a rare and valuable item every time you do a clue scroll, time and patience and eventually you will, Also remember you can only have 1 Clue scroll at a time!.
So these are some of the ways to cure boredom in runescape, so good luck and have fun.
©Merchantsrs 2008
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