We want YOU!!!

| Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ok here at RB (Runescape Bloggers) we are always in need of good authors or even the small people have a place if your read the column to the side there ----->

You will be able to see more information, But another idea that has struck me into mind is this, Maybe you don't have time or just cant be bothered to be an author, Well your probably thinking "Yes, so how can i help?" Easy, Send us your Ideas, as you will notice with two of my recently posted blogs it has "contributed by Whomever" I can see you sitting there still wondering what i mean, by this i mean you give us a hot spot we make it into a blog.

The way to do this is by dropping me and E-mail at Omegahunta@gmail.com or blah@gmail.com and we will both discuss your idea and whether it can be made into a blog or not, or whether another author is currently working on something similar.

Now the Requirements to help us make this into a blog with some hot spots will need it to consist of, The topic idea, So lets use the Respect one in this example and then Key Points E.G.
  • Players Respect
  • Higher and Lower levels
  • "Nolife" for having high level account
  • Stupid/silly comments
Roughly 4-5 or more key points to what you would like us to blog, and do not expect us to E-mail you back saying yes we are going to blog this or no this is already taken or not enough crucial information as we both have lives and we do not have time to get back to everyone or make everyones ideas into a blog (Those writing there own refer to the instructions on the panel to the side --------------------------->)

So if your hot spot idea is lucky enough to become a blog then it will have Contibutions by Whatever your name is.

In the E-mail Lay it out as shown below.

Hi my Name is (Your Name)

My Idea is (e.g. Title wise such as Respect for fellow players)

  • Key point 1
  • Key point 2
  • Key point 3
  • Key point 4
  • Key point 5
Thanks and thats my idea.

(There is no limit on the Amount of Key points you give)
Thanks from Mitchell and Callum at RB

©Runescape-bloggers 2008

The evolution of RuneScape Pking

| Sunday, September 28, 2008
PKing, from small beginnings of the old Runescape Classic engine to the expanding variety of options to kill a player with it is today. That's all well and good for nearly every pker in the game. But there's a huge flaw in PKing, and that's character. In Runescape Classic, there was no 'Honour' as there is now. There was no 'safing' or 'def noobs'. Many players think they can control another player by words. Since the wilderness had become safer (with the exclusion of revenants), Bounty Hunter had changed many players around. In classic, the ways of pking was
simple, either bring armour and a weapon, or be a ranger/mager to help a friend or make an attempt to steal kills. The combat engine in Classic was fairly dull. You could 1 v 1 a player but rangers or mages could come in anytime and help. You couldn't do anything in combat other than change your prayers.

The game's community however, was spectacular. Still is today, many players give out free stuff, information and above all, respect. Back then, however, there were no maxed out players like there are today. There were no skillcapes so you could show off your bling. It was simple. Then
came the pures, not many, but still some...

When Runescape 2 had been released, the combat had changed and still, people would bring their best items into the wilderness without realising the dangers of having a skull. Pures had died off at this time, so the wilderness was 'safe'. Luring didn't exist either, ancients was not heard of! The community was great, but you'd have your high levels with their lower accounts so you'd have players fighting about who owned who. The game started to become immature.

Runescape had entered it's 5th year, pures had been reborn and ancient magicks had been released. Pures are the top suspect for the change in the wilderness and the player's attitudes to each other. As pures were on the high, there were unwritten laws made by people who couldn't get any loot from people with defence, the law was named 'Respect'. There were such rules such as 'Safing'. You were not allowed to eat unless you really have to. This rule even took place when players were being piled. Respect was the ultimate source of cash in PKing. Soon after pures dominated the wilderness, players began to grow scared of being piled by a bunch of level 50s. The players wanted to pk but not lose their stuff. They either bought a dragon dagger and 'jumped' a player, or they'd bring three items and pray somebody attacks them. Pures were 1 itemers as much as these players in all honesty. They'd bring monk robes and a dagger. If you did this, you'd be a 1 itemer noob, 3 item nub or anything else around those lines.

Other rules in 'Respect':
  • Must ask to fight someone,
  • Must not bring teleport runes,
  • Must not smite,
  • Must not protect item (Everyone ignored that)
  • Cannot do any overhead prayers,
  • Must say 'gf' when one player dies,
  • Two characters go in, one character walks out,
  • Cannot safe (Mentioned above)
  • No tagging (Tag Team, if one player is losing, they get their friend to help)

When pures had become dominant and players refused to enter the wilderness, people began to lure them in. It would be a simple scam by using two people, a lurer and an attacker. The lurer's job was simple, find a target who's combat was within the attacker's level and offer to sell or buy something from them. The target would step into level 1 wilderness, trade, and before they could do anything, they'd get ice barraged and specced by a dragon dagger, and die. This method was insanely profitable. Many players made billions from this. But then all the rich characters would quit Runescape and leave. Making the wilderness more scary in the eyes of low levels. Luring later became noticed by Jagex, they added the ditch and made luring a bannable offence. I lured, I was a pmod too, they noticed that I was luring, they were not happy.

The ditch had been added and many players got anoyed by this, it wasn't a bad update when you think about it. The people who complained were those who couldn't get kills in the first place, to be honest. They winged about lurers, they got what they wanted but it wasn't enough. Luring kept going but it was barely noticable. 1 item pking became the best way of getting a kill. Since it was only pures or Rune Pures who pked, people with high attack and strength could easily hit a few good 20 20+ specs on their target and get loot. The attitude from one player to another became rivalry. Every player who stepped into the wilderness became a different person, two faced in such a way. In freeworld, pure rangers or range 2hers would be the main players who made it obvious. They were cocky, most range 2hers were the same. I pked in Free World and I couldn't hit them because of their 99 range would just hit 18+ every time. I'd get a few 20s on them with my attacks but then they'd say stuff like "Safe it up." It bugged me. I got to the stage that I wanted to be a skiller...

December 10, the day of insanely high valued drop parties and constant rioting by retarded gamers. Bounty Hunter had been the new PvP section of the game, with a kill + loot system like the old Wilderness but with a 180 second pickup penalty. It was a good update in my opinion but most players hated it! The attitudes from many players suddenly hit the jackpot. Bounty
Hunting had become 'sad'. Respect, the unwritten law had been followed and lost. The law was still in action but pures and other hardcore pkers refused to follow it. The rule about safing would still be there but every other rule was broken by nearly every PKer. These days, in Free World,
it's no armour fighting or transferring. It's as if every player wishes to be a pure. Armour was added in the game for a reason and it's not to be used as a prize for killing someone. Player attitudes? Ruined. If you were to attack someone, they'd protect from whatever attack style you use, comment on you by saying 'sad' and walk out or tell you to get off them and log. If you were to be attacked, you'd usually have the offer to no armour fight you. If you refuse, they tell you to log. Bounty Hunter isn't bad. It's a good update, but what ruined it was the players. Everyone
would camp near the exits. It was sad for me, a level 100 to attack a level 95. I'd have comments like "Fight your own level". In all fairness, I think those who think that are sad. In Member's, the Summoning skill made it so players with max combat and 70 defence and 52 prayer could enter the Mid Crater, it does seem unfair but many players go into Mid Crater are level 105+. It's the same combat system but absolutely no rules whatsoever.

Then you got your players who say there is no wild. There is a Wilderness, it's half the size of the Free World map! It's pretty 'sad' that people don't see that. Bounty Hunter is in the Wilderness and players don't notice it? That's 'sad'! The wilderness was not removed. The PvP system in
the wilderness was, and for a good reason. People complained about having bots, so they removed them by taking away the trading system. We asked for it, we deal with it.

So summing up all I said, Bounty Hunter is a good minigame but it's the players who ruined the 'art' of PKing. Attitudes from player to player killed what it once was and have made it to what it is now. Don't blame Jagex for ruining Runescape. Blame the players. The People who became cocky over killing another player, the ones who call people they have killed 'nerds', the ones who tried to follow the Respect laws, the Lurers, the 1 itemers. Jagex made Bounty Hunter as what people wanted, but needed to give hunters a chance. It's 'sad' that you blame Jagex, it's 'sad' that you riot in a GAME! It's 'sad' that you can even take the time to come up with crappy sayings and 'ragequit' over one small feature in a game, you're offered alot more stuff than just killing another player. If you don't like Bounty Hunter then you can go skill, player Castle Wars, Fist of Guthix, go team at the God Wars Dungeon. It's just a game and you should be able to enjoy all of it.

Author: Adam

Bored in Runescape

| Friday, September 26, 2008
Boredom in Runescape?

So you have just logged in and noticed, Your bored?

We all do that a lot these days so I am writing this article on ideas to replace boredom with fun.

There are a lot of Minigames these days, with Jagex releasing a new one almost every chance they get, noticeably not all of these Minigames are fun, it’s just a way for Jagex to make it look like their doing good updates, But back to the point, there is the Games room in Burthorpe and admittedly Runelink is a fun game to play, but does get boring after a bit, so you could go from there to risking your items and showing off your skill at Player Killing in the Bounty Hunter Minigame.

But they might not be for you, so you could go earn some easy xp points at the Tears of Guthix Minigame, Although there is a catch to this Minigame, ‘Oh’ I hear you say, well it’s actually a good thing, it’s a quest to allow you to play the Minigame, Within this you may realize your inner quester and set out for the legendary Quest cape or just for a great adventure and hard task, amidst this as well almost all the quest’s are Challenging, Hard and Adventurous, Or you could go for some good fun with friends and go to Pest Control and help your team Defend the Void Knight and destroy the portals to win the match, which also gives some hefty experience gains or you could go for the full Void outfit, which gives a really high range bonus.

But you may be thinking, “I don’t minigames” well then you could give Questing a shot, Unlock new skills such as lunar or ancient magik’s and while doing so learn the history of runescape and its monsters it holds within, but you may be sitting there going “Yawn” possibly Quest’s and Minigames alike are not for you? Easy Solved.

Try Clue hunting requires a good sense of adventure and can be very rewarding to those willing to give it a shot, There are 3 types of clue scroll’s Level 1 clue scroll, Level 2 clue scroll and Level 3 clue scroll, Level 2 and 3 Both require that you do Observatory quest first, to do the clue’s Co-ordinates but the rewards after would could be well worth the 5 minutes of questing , although not every monster drops a clue scroll the ones that do can take a while to get one, the higher level of the clue scroll the better reward you may get, but then you might not be a real hefty warrior and only after a level 1 clue scroll which are dropped from such monsters as goblin’s, hobgoblin’s, rock crab’s and many more, Or maybe you want a level 2? Which can be dropped from creatures such as guard’s, jogre’s, ice warrior’s and plenty more, But you may be a Mighty warrior and don’t want to hold back on what u can slaughter for a level 3 clue scroll so alas you could take on a few hard foes to achieve this such as green dragon’s, Greater demon’s or Even go all out and Solo General Graardor and hope for a hefty drop or then kill his minions, all 4 of them have a drop chance of a level 3 clue scroll, So you may be sitting there thinking now yes I’m going to do some clues then here is a link for them with a list of monsters that drop them http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=treasure_trails.htm and here is the rewards link http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=tt_rewards.htm alas I would not expect to get a rare and valuable item every time you do a clue scroll, time and patience and eventually you will, Also remember you can only have 1 Clue scroll at a time!.

So these are some of the ways to cure boredom in runescape, so good luck and have fun.

This post also had contribution from Benneh

©Merchantsrs 2008

Runescapes low or high level debate

| Thursday, September 25, 2008
Low or High? Does it Matter?

An issue highly among runescaper’s is the ballot between a low level and a high level player, How so? Simple the High level player will tend to call a “Lower” level player a “noob”, which then most lower levels reply by calling that higher level player a “nerd” or saying “You have No-Life” and this goes in both ways between them both, But the problem more to less comes in with the mutual “Respect”.

If you are high level, the low levels ‘should’ respect you, BUT! It is also your duty to respect them as well, you were once a low level player to, if they ask for something, why not take out 30 seconds and help them? Instead of saying “Go away noob”, it is just a game, and if you’re a lower level player, you need to realize that the higher level player you are calling a noob or another commonly used insult “Nerd” has been playing longer then you, or has had just a bit more time on their hands to play, it does not mean they have No-Life, And Calling someone a nerd is incorrect anyhow, people say we are all ‘Nerds’ because we play runescape, that’s not true because the meaning of nerd: One whose IQ exceeds his weight.

Which basically means all overweight people that like to play the game are not nerds?

But to conclude this, the basis is, Respect the fellow players in your community, be nice, be helpful and just simply play the game and keep silly comments to yourself.

Contributions: Jono

©Merchantsrs 2008

RuneScape or RuledScape


Every day as the days go by, It is proven to us that the democratic world of Runescape, Is being Ruled, We are told we have privacy and we have the freedom of playing, but if there is such a Freedom, then why is Jagex, Acting like Big Brother? Watching us like a Mother would watch her young Child? They have the necessary Enforcements to keep the game safe for players of all ages, But every day Jagex prove that we are not as free as we think, An Example would be

The so called Price Manipulation, From Acidy’s Clan chat, When they were “Privately” discussing items in the Grand Exchange that they were going to dump after making their price rise, This is not really a Price Manipulation, we were told if we bought “Certain” Items that we cud make the price rise and be able to Merchant freely, But they Never said we could not get our friends to buy the same item and make it rise, and then dumping just means everyone selling at one time, it takes a good merchant to be able to do that, And with a Group of Friends then together they are doing Team work, a skill not used in runescape very much at all, there is a couple of quests which require two people, there are the dag kings who require two people, the godwars dungeon can be done solo but most use a team and the new Corporeal Beast + the few other silly monsters about that I cannot think of, But even with Those, We are still being ruled as a team of friends by Jagex’s Wonderful drop rates, Week after week they up and down the level percent of getting a drop, because one week a team might get 1 bill worth of drops so they’ll lower it, then the next week a team might go and get not a thing, this isn’t the fairest way, especially for those teams who have no cash and are there time and time again trying to get a drop,

But Jagex even rule us when we are not online, How so? By Banning or Muting us for silly Mistakes, what ever happened to a Second chance? You break a rule once, Instead of Muted for X amount of days, a Black Mark and a Warning, Especially they rule us even with “Fan” sites, they say they are for them, and to go with the good ones but I have been muted for saying “Youtube” a Worldwide video site, I have been given a black mark for saying go to the zybez radio site, Why should we be ruled like this? Is it fair? No, but why do it, I’ll Tell you why, because Jagex are scared, yes scared, Scared that something better then runescape might appear on these fan sites, scared that players will get sick of not being able to buy an item for Mid or near lowest price, But the biggest worry is, we are meant to be in an Un-Ruled Society of players, yet everyday as they go on Jagex prove they are “Watching” and keeping a close eye on the world of Runescape, But they feed us there excuses, Which is what annoys me the Most, “Were not Acting like Big Brother, were keeping an eye out for Real World Traders and Macro’s” But the Deal is Real World Traders are a Threat because they make it hard for Decent players to play, and the same Deal with Autoer’s , But that’s what the trade limit and Removal of the Wilderness was for? But it still has not stopped it, And it never will, But Jagex are to blind to see this, But among it all, We are living in a Ruled Society, It is not Runescape, It really is Ruledscape, at this current point in time.

Author: Mitch
©Merchantsrs 2008

Price Manipulation in RuneScape

A ever growing trend in RuneScape these days is groups of people controlling the supply of items and therefore the price of that item. Why do people do this? Easy because people who succesfully controll the supply of items make big profits!

My interpretation

The bottom axis represents supply (The availability of good), The top axis represents demand (The want of the good).

The green dot is when the item is bought out (supply drained) the red dot is when the item is resold and demand is met. As you can see the line is vertical, in the real world it wouldnt be linear but for this explanation it shall be to emphasise the dramatic effect price manipulation has on the economy and how powerfull this concept is.

there are now groups out there gathering people to participate in price manipulation the main one that im aware of is A C I D Y. He oparates in irc and clan chat. The leaders of the chat will determine an item to buy out. Then the members will buy out this certain item or a decent % of stock. Once the item is bought out the will keep the item for a day or so or however long it takes for jagex to increase the price for the good. Once this happens a leader will ask for the item to be "Dumped" or sold. Everyone will sell there items and make a profit cause the in the absence of the items on the ge everyone was trying to buy thefore demand going up resulting in price increase.

If you are a risk taker and u want some incrediable return try getting on on this syndicate. As always risk is more apparent in Price manipulation as you have the chance that the item was being dumped while you were sleeping and the time you come on the item is at price below you bought it for due to the rapid flooding of ther market of items at exhubernt prices.

Goodluck Merchants RS Team
©Merchantsrs 2008

Making money on RuneScape Updates


How to make money off RuneScape Updates

A simple method used by keen merchanters to make easy runescape gp these days is to predict updates and the materials that will be associated with the update. This method has been made a hell of alot easier with the inclusion of Behind the Scenes (A new innoiative by Jagex to give the player more of an insight to future content).

What will you need to be succesfull with this method?
  • To be sucessfull with any merch you will need money and the number one rule is.. RISK you must be aware that all merching oppurtunities have a risk things can change in an instant due to internal/external factors
  • Have access to Behind the Scenes Monthly update.. and be able to comprehend simple terms into merchanting oppurtuntie

Understanding and Interpreting Behind the Scenes Information:

When jagex states an incoming update i like to put it in one of two catagories. Either Community Based Update (CBU) or Economical Based Update (EBU). This is how i go about catagorizing updates i analzye the updates and the effect its going to have on the community then way up the points accordingly.

Case Study 1: RuneScape High Detail Realease
Jagex in a behind the scenes update told us about the incoming graphic overhall of the game. from this simple information we need to determine is this going to effect the economy or community more.. My answer would be a CBU my reasoning for this is. The graphics wont be adding or taking away anything from the economy aswell as no crucial demand or lack of supply for goods. The bolded is the basic rule of thumb for analyzing updates. Some people will argue that the economy will still be effected by an update like this.. Of course all updates will always effect the community and economy its just judging which one is more apparent.

Case Study 2: RuneScape Clan Wars Realase
Jagex in a behind the scenes update told us about the new and revamped free for all clan wars. From this statement we can play on a simple human factor. The want to be the best.. As humans we are programmed to be winners. Thefore to be the last man standing in the new clan wars you are going to need survival materials. So food and pots are your best bet in this situation. The key is buying the goods as soon as you think you understand the update and also the risks involved. Example on the 3rd of july Behind the scenes came out establishing the intent for new clan wars changes. Then we establish the would be an EBU update as there is definat potenital for demand/supply of items to change. So if i bought 5k sharks 20 days before the update then when the update comes in sell them for max or even weight for the demand to rise so jagex rise the mean price to meet the demand making you even more profit.


All updates can make you money you just need to indentify the oppurtunites in every behind the scenes and buy in advanced. Remember the peak of users trying the new update ie clan wars will be 72 hours then the hype will die down. So use 72 hours as your selling period.

©Merchantsrs 2008